Tailored Flight Markers for every pilot
Our capzlog.aero Flight Markers are crafted to suit your specific aircraft category and career stage. With intuitive data entry and insightful evaluations, managing your personal flight experience record has never been easier or more rewarding.
Configure the Flight Markers you really need for your flying activity at your current career stage
Dynamic totals
Direct access to sums and totals for your specific flight activities across all flights
Fully structured remarks
Instead of writing text remarks, simply apply Flight Markers to describe any flight activity
Fast filtering
Discover your personalized Flight Markers
Explore our tailored Flight Markers by selecting your specific aircraft category and career stage. Discover a curated set of markers designed to meet your unique needs. Click on each marker to learn more about its features and how it can enhance your flight data management and evaluations.
Aircraft category
Career stage
Some matching Markers
Your first solo flights! With this marker, you will always be able to easily find them in your ever growing logbook.
You can mark your cross-country flights and always have them ready when you have to show them before your licence or rating exam.
Skill Test
Mark your skill test with an examiner with the Skill Test Marker and invite the examiner via e-mail to sign this flight digitally.
With Instructor
Add the name of your instructor to be able to find the flights you did under their supervision even years later. Extract all flights with a certain instructor within seconds.
Document and mark your conducted lessons and have this information readily available for your instructor when your next lesson comes up.
Line Flying Under Supervision
Whether you are getting into a new job or on a new aircraft, mark your LFUS training to easily find these flights later on.
Refresher training
Revalidating your SEP class rating by experience? Mark your "Refresher Training" flight and invite your instructor to sign it via email.
Keeping track of your Touch-and-Gos to refresh the PAX landing recency requirements allows you to quickly find them again later on.
Pitch and power, gear and flaps, you can always go around! Remind yourself of the situations in which you decided to take the safe option at minimums.
Difference Training
Looking forward to flying a new variant or type? Document your training for it and always have handy when you first flew tail wheel, cabin pressurization or retractable undercarriage.
Landing runway
Planning a flight to an airfield you've flown to before? Instantly find the runways you already know from previous visits.
With Passenger(s)
Remember that great flight with your friends? Find specific flights by passenger name, or create a list of all flights on which you carried passengers.
Line Flying Under Supervision
Whether you are getting into a new job or on a new aircraft, mark your LFUS training to easily find these flights later on.
Operator Line Check
A test of a pilot's ability to perform a complete line operation from start to finish in a satisfactory manner, including pre-flight and post-flight procedures and use of the equipment provided, following operator's SOPs.
Time on left seat
Pilot role
The pilot role (flying or monitoring) on the flight. In MP operation according to AMC1 FCL.050 (i) (6) only the pilot flying is allowed to record the performed landings in the logbook.
Augmented Crew
Low Visibility Landing
Your low visibility landings can be marked for all categories CAT I & II, Cat III A - C: simulated, autoland or simulated autoland.
Time in medical evacuation
Time on airborne laser scanning assignment (ALS/LiDAR)
Time operating a camera
Time operating a camera
Time on agricultural assignment
Time on firefighting assignment
Series of Flights
Record a series of legs/cycles as a single entry and mark them as official "Series of Flights" to correctly reduce the flight time as defined in Part-FCL.
With Student
You are an instructor or want to apply for this privilege? Keep track and extract all flights done with a specific student in seconds.
Training Flight
Document situations requiring training flights such as those with recency requirements, lifting of limitation or the lifting of restrictions as recognized by PART-(S)FCL
Refresher training
Revalidating your SEP class rating by experience? Mark your "Refresher Training" flight and invite your instructor to sign it via email.
Instructor Training Course
Flight instructor training and courses.
Training Phase
To indicate the training phase within the formation.
Course Completed
Completion of training courses or familiarization courses for aircraft types, license, and ratings privileges.
Your first solo flights! With this marker, you will always be able to easily find them in your ever growing logbook.
You can mark your cross-country flights and always have them ready when you have to show them before your licence or rating exam.
Skill Test
Mark your skill test with an examiner with the Skill Test Marker and invite the examiner via e-mail to sign this flight digitally.
With Instructor
Add the name of your instructor to be able to find the flights you did under their supervision even years later. Extract all flights with a certain instructor within seconds.
Document and mark your conducted lessons and have this information readily available for your instructor when your next lesson comes up.
Training Flight
Document situations requiring training flights such as those with recency requirements, lifting of limitation or the lifting of restrictions as recognized by PART-(S)FCL
Series of Flights
Record a series of legs/cycles as a single entry and mark them as official "Series of Flights" to correctly reduce the flight time as defined in Part-FCL.
Mark your flights as "Helicopter External Sling Load Operations" (HESLO 1 - 4). This lets you extract your HESLO hours and cycles for each level.
Proficiency Check
Apply a flight or simulator session with the "Prof Check" marker after demonstrating your proficiency to an examiner for your next revalidation and receive their signature digitally.
Difference Training
Looking forward to flying a new variant or type? Document your training for it and always have handy when you first flew tail wheel, cabin pressurization or retractable undercarriage.
Mountain Landing
Record your mountain landings in all categories (> 2000 m, > 2700 m and official sites) and retrieve the total number of landings in each category.
With Passenger(s)
Remember that great flight with your friends? Find specific flights by passenger name, or create a list of all flights on which you carried passengers.
Night Vision Imaging System
Mark your flights on NVG as part of an NVIS appropriately to monitor both recency and duty requirements with this flight marker.
Time in simulated IMC
Denotes the time of flight spent in simulated IMC.
Time on left seat
Operator Line Check
A test of a pilot's ability to perform a complete line operation from start to finish in a satisfactory manner, including pre-flight and post-flight procedures and use of the equipment provided, following operator's SOPs.
Approach Type
Mark your performed approach types such as ILS CAT I to III, VOR, RNP, NDP, LPV, LP and GLS to keep track of what you do most.
Time on HEMS assignment
Time on HEMS assignment
Time in medical evacuation
Time on airborne laser scanning assignment (ALS/LiDAR)
Time operating a camera
Time operating a camera
Time on agricultural assignment
Time on firefighting assignment
Time on infrastructural assignment
With Student
You are an instructor or want to apply for this privilege? Keep track and extract all flights done with a specific student in seconds.
Training Flight
Document situations requiring training flights such as those with recency requirements, lifting of limitation or the lifting of restrictions as recognized by PART-(S)FCL
Instructor Training Course
Flight instructor training and courses.
Training Phase
To indicate the training phase within the formation.
Course Completed
Completion of training courses or familiarization courses for aircraft types, license, and ratings privileges.
As both examiner and flight instructor, quickly export a list of the flights you have accompanied and supervised.
What has to be written in the remarks section?
EASA only provides very general and insufficient explanations and instructions on the required data.
According to GM1 FCL.050 any activity deemed neccessary must be recorded for evidence purposes.
Read more about this topic in our academy's section about
AMC1 FCL.050 (i) 10: "Remark column 1".

Learn more about general and digital logbook requirements
Digital pilot logbook acceptance per countryClassic logbook vs. capzlog.aero
Let us show you some examples of why structured data is not only much more elegant, but also much more helpful in practice.
Structured remarks and signatures
The remarks column is also the place in a paper logbook where any signature and stamp of instructors, flight schools, airports and examiners would be placed.
Having the right information recorded with Flight Markers not only gives a clear image to the signatory what they are about to sign, but also give you a clear indication about which entries have to be signed.

Say goodbye to paper logbooks with cluttered remark fields full of signatures, stamps, and incomplete, scribbled information.
Say hello to a digital logbook with Flight Markers that capture information as structured data values and are even enjoyable to use.
Dynamic totals of flight activities

Say goodbye to manually inserted columns or marking lines and manually sum their times up.
Say hello to dynamic totals across your flight activities enabling detailed evaluations of your experience.
Intelligent filters

Say goodbye to going through your logbook to find your last flight of a specific type.
Say hello to intelligent filters with advanced conditions and control parameters.
More Flight Markers for you to discover
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