
Il existe de nombreux termes que vous rencontrerez à plusieurs reprises au cours de votre carrière de pilote. En particulier pendant la formation, les nombreuses abréviations et termes techniques peuvent être source de confusion. Dans l'explication des termes de l'Académie, vous trouverez rapidement et facilement les bonnes réponses et des informations de fond intéressantes.

Day-Night Sequence

According to EASA regulations, pilots must document the night time in the logbook. However, the exact definition and recording of night time can be a challenge due to the changing flight conditions and changes in the sequence of day and night.

License Request

For the acquisition (Initial), the extension of still valid (Revalidation) and the reactivation of expired (Renewal) licence entries an interaction with the competent authorities is necessary.

EASA Part-FCL Pilot Licence

EASA Part-FCL pilot licences are issued by the competent authorities of the EASA Member States and entitle the holder to fly certain aircraft under certain conditions. The different types of pilot licences are: LAPL, PPL, CPL, ATPL, MPL, SPL, BPL.

Flight Time

There are a number of terms around flight time that can lead to confusion for various reasons. Learn more about Flight Time, Block Time, Hobbs Time, Airborne Time and Rotor Turning Time.

License Endorsement

The various privileges, ratings and limitations are entered in the pilot licence. A licence endorsement may, among other things, entitle the holder to fly certain classes or types of aircraft or under certain conditions.

Flight Simulation Training Devices

Especially for training on highly complex aircraft types, which would be very cost-intensive and to some extent unsafe on the aircraft itself, «synthetic flight training devices», «flight simulation training devices» or «FSTD» are a cost-effective alternative.

PIC Time

An important factor in the pilot’s flying experience is the time as pilot-in-command. In this article we have summarised information about when you may enter the flight time as PIC time in your flight log.

Touring Motor Glider TMG

Die Reisemotorsegler oder Touring Motor Glider (TMG) sind motorisierte Segelflugzeuge, die selber starten und steigen können, dann aber den Motor im Flug ausschalten und segeln können. In welches Flugbuch du diese Flüge am besten einträgst und viele weitere nützliche Infos rund um die TMGs sind in diesem Beitrag zusammengefasst.