How to keep a correct pilot logbook

Example pilot logbook with three lines of made up data from EASA FCL.050 AMC1.

Learn how to keep a correct pilot logbook

A pilot's logbook is essential for documenting flight experience, meeting regulatory requirements and ensuring safety. Errors and inaccuracies can lead to extra work and risk. This page covers legal requirements, guidelines, common mistakes and logbook formats.

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Every pilot requires a record of their flight experience

In addition to regulatory requirements, data inaccuracies and errors not only create additional work for regulatory agencies, but also pose potential flight safety risks due to experience-based conditions.

What are the legal requirements for pilot logbooks?

Some of the fields to be recorded are listed explicitly in AMC1 FCL.050 Recording of flight time. In addition, there are a number of data elements that are implicitly defined by conditions and requirements in Part-FCL, Part-SPO, Part-SPA, Part-ORO, Part-NCC, Part-NCO and Part-CAT.

Officially certified digital pilot logbook
Artwork with the mobile app running on a smartphone and a plane with branding starting towards the reader.

General Tips

When maintaining your logbook, ensure you follow these general guidelines:

Date and times

Always fill the basic information fields. This includes the date of the flight, the off/on respectively start/stop times (compare Flight Time). Enter the Time of Flight (ToF/Block), which is the difference between the former two points in time. Clearly indicate "Series of Flights" if you enter reduced block times.

Aircraft info

Always fill the registration and the correct ICAO type designator. Here is a good page to look them up.

Airport info

Both the departure and arrival airports shall be entered with their four letter ICAO or the three letter IATA code. For outside or field landings, use the global ZZZZ or country specific no-location-indicator-code and add a short text description of the takeoff or landing site.

Function info

Always fill the function fields. Exactly one of the times for PIC, Copi or Dual has to be recorded. Copi is only allowed for multi pilot operated flights. If part of your flight is a solo on a helicopter, with the instructor flying with you to and from the site of the solo flight, split the flight into three records Dual - PIC - Dual.

PIC name

The name of the designated Pilot-In-Command (PIC) has to be recorded. For flights with instructor, the instructor's name is to be entered. For flights as PICUS or SPIC, the name of the CMD is to be entered.

Crew operation info

For single pilot operated flights, either Single Engine or Multi Engine time has to be recorded. For multi pilot operated flights, there is no distinction according the engine count, just record it as Multi Pilot time. In general, it is the same as the flight time, except with an extended crew.

Single pilot operated flights

SP operations only
For single pilot certified aircraft, you have to distinguish Single Engine (SE) and Multi Engine (ME) time. If two pilots go flying together for fun, this is not the same as multi crew operations. The Multi Pilot (MP) time and Copi time columns are always empty for single pilot operated flights.

Multi pilot operated flights

MP operations only
Certain aircraft are certified for multi pilot operations only in the EASA Type Ratings and Licence endorsement list. These have to be operated by at least two pilots who are trained for multi crew operations. Single pilot aircraft may be operated in multi pilot operations in certain situations.

Dual time

SP operations only
EASA does not allow the entry of PIC and Dual time simultaneously. Dual time is entered in single pilot operations only, when in training with an instructor on board who acts as designated PIC.

Copi time

MP operations only
Copi time is entered in multi pilot operations only, when acting as first officer (FO).

Takeoffs & landings

The number of takeoffs and landings has to be recorded for day and night separately. In single pilot operation, the number of takeoffs and landings is equal.

Operational condition times

Record the Night and IFR times. Make sure they are smaller or equal to the Block/Flight time.

Page totals

Best practice
Sum up all columns, making sure the calculations are correct. Transfer the sums to the next page, taking care to copy the correct values in the correct columns.

Instructor role

If you are acting as instructor on a pilot seat, i.e. able to reach the controls, do record both PIC and Instructor time values.

Supervising solos

Best practice
If you are an instructor supervising a student solo flight from the ground, record the flight as supervising instructor. Do not record any time of flight, number of takeoffs or landings but keep the flight as the number of supervised flights is required for some endorsements.

Refresher training SEP

If you do your refresher training with an instructor, you are undergoing a training and it is therefore to be recorded as a Dual flight. The instructor is designated PIC.

Night inconsistency

Do not record Night landings or takeoffs without having Night time recorded as well. The records need to match the conditions.

IFR inconsistency

Do not record IFR approaches, landings or takeoffs without having IFR time recorded as well. Also, make sure that IFR approaches are greater or equal than IFR landings. For Yankee/Zulu flight plans joining flight rules, indicate this clearly.

Pilot flying

Only the pilot flying, i.e. actually moving the controls, is allowed to record the landing. In a flight that is single pilot operated, there is only one and exactly one pilot flying.

Enlarged crews

MP operations only
Long-haul flights sometimes use an extended crew that includes cruise-relief pilots or enlarged crew members. Only the time at the controls is to be recorded in the personal logbook, which overrules the definition of flight time.

Jet time

Best practice
Jet time is often relevant when looking for a job, especially in the early years of the career. Track the time in a separate column in order to have it ready for the next job application or upgrading.

Familiarization and differences training

Familiarization and difference trainings are not entered in the license by the national authority. Instead, they must be recorded and signed by the instructor in the pilot's logbook in order to be considered valid.

Jump seat

Best practice
As a young commercial pilot, you might performe some flights on the jump seat. Record the flights but without time of flight, number of takeoffs or landings.

Civil Twilight

Night time is to be counted based on Civil Twilight start/end. This is when the geometric center of the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon. For some countries like Switzerland the point defining the twilight is fixed. For others, as well as for flights between countries or even continents, the Night time has to be calculated (or approximated) according to the flight path and the aircraft position at the point of the twilight.

Hours (HH:mm) instead of decimal

Best practice
Use the hours and minutes format (HH:mm) and not decimal notation. Even though some aircraft work with decimal counters, this is less precise and inconsistent as points in time are never written in decimal notation. Convert the decimal value from the counter to an hour:minutes value (0.1 hour = 6 minutes).


Some flights require a signature. Make sure to have them counter-signed by the instructor, PIC or examiner as appropriate. Examples of such flights are solo flights, prof checks, skill tests, PICUS flights and refresher trainings. Dual flights during flight training do not have to be signed individually, only the completion of specific phases of training, e.g. 'PPL training completed, ready for skill test'.

UTC vs. Local

Best practice
Record your flights in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). hus your logbook will be consistent when you start flying through time zones, which might easily happen even if you do not anticipate it in the beginning of your flying career. If you insist on using Local Time (LT), indicate it clearly and also record the timezone offset (+N hours) and whether Day-Light-Saving time was active or not.

Keep FSTD sessions separately

Simulator or FSTD experience must be recorded separately. Do not mix their times and other characteristics, e.g. do not count "sim session time" towards flight time/block time.

Common error sources in pilot logbook entries

To maintain the accuracy of your logbook, familiarizing yourself with common pitfalls is crucial. They include:

Miscalculation of time differences

Flight time/Block time/Total Time of Flight: This refers for all categories to the time between two points in time (refer to Flight time). These time differences should be carefully monitored and accurately calculated to prevent discrepancies.

Airborne time: This is the time between Takeoff and Landing. The Airborne time (sometimes called Actual or True Flight time) is the duration the aircraft is in flight, starting from when the wheels leave the runway (Takeoff) and ending when they touch back down (Landing). Misrecording these specific times can lead to errors not only in the logbook but also in other systems like maintenance, accounting and invoicing.

Confusion between distinct time points

Mix-ups can occur when recording values for Off-block and On-block times. Make sure to accurately note these times in their respective fields to prevent confusion.

Additionally, when tracking Takeoff and Landing times, exercise extra caution as these can often be confused or interchanged with Off-block and On-block times. The correct order of the times is Off-block, Takeoff, Landing, On-block. Special care must be taken for flights through midnight where the date changes as well.

Inaccurate calculation of page totals

Each page of your logbook should have the totals calculated for each column, even those that stand at zero. Simple oversights or mathematical mistakes can cause significant discrepancies over time.

Accuracy is critical when calculating page sums. To prevent potential errors, always cross-check your totals.

When introducing 'new' columns, they can become a source of error. Exercise diligence in recording and calculating any newly added categories to ensure their accuracy.

Carry-over mistakes

Transferring data to a new page can lead to transcription errors. Always double-check with previous entries for continuity and precision.

Making a mistake here might suddenly put you in a position with way too little experience, which is unpleasant for you, or way too much experience, which might become a serious liability problem.

Be careful not to shift columns during this transition, which could result in recording a value in the wrong category. Ensuring column alignment from one page to the next is crucial for maintaining accurate records.

Misinterpretation of abbreviations and codes

Logbooks often contain numerous abbreviations and codes. Misunderstanding or misinterpreting these codes can lead to inaccurate entries. Regularly review the meaning of these codes to ensure you are using them correctly.

Incorrect date and location entries

The accuracy of date and location entries is vital for tracking flight times and locations accurately. Ensure that you record the correct date and location for each entry. Double-check for common errors, like confusing the day and month in the date format.

Incorrect aircraft registration or make, model, variant

Always write the full aircraft registration, including the country-specific prefix. After some time, it can become difficult to identify and classify the registration.

The type of aircraft must be the one in the official documents of the aircraft and especially engine types, number of engines, required class or type rating may be affected by a wrong type entry.

When must a flight be entered in the pilot logbook at the latest?

Flight crew logbook entries should be made as soon as practicable after each flight. It is recommended that this is done before leaving the aircraft.

Comparing logbook formats: paper, spreadsheet, and digital

In the rapidly evolving world of aviation, pilots are offered a variety of methods to maintain their logbooks. Each method has its own set of advantages and challenges:

Digital Logbook Tools

Digital logbooks have become increasingly popular due to their efficiency and the automation they offer. They perform automatic calculations, reducing the risk of errors in entries. These tools often come with built-in data validation. However, note that different tools offer different level of validation and not all can be fully relied upon.

However, it is essential to understand where your data is stored. Depending on the provider, data can be stored locally on your device, or cloud-based storage might be used. Understanding your digital logbook's data storage method is critical for privacy and data recovery considerations.

Beyond standalone digital logbooks, many tools designed for other purposes such as reservation, training syllabus, and maintenance have started adding 'personal logbook' features. While this might seem a convenient feature, pilots should be wary of using these integrated logbooks as their primary experience record. The need for an independent and personal record that is not tied to any specific software or institution cannot be overstressed.

Paper logbooks

For those who appreciate a traditional approach, paper logbooks still have a nostalgic appeal. They provide a tangible, personal record of your flying history. They can also be a less expensive option than some digital solutions, and serve as a solid backup method of keeping records.

However, paper logbooks require manual entry and calculation, increasing the risk of errors. They also cannot offer the convenience and features that digital tools provide.

Spreadsheet-based logbooks such as Excel

Spreadsheet-based logbooks like Excel provide a more economical digital solution compared to specialized digital logbook tools. They offer some of the benefits of digital tools such as easier calculations and data manipulation.

However, developing a high-quality, error-free logbook in Excel is not possible. Spreadsheet formulas can be prone to errors, e.g. in some not tested cases, and data validation is not as rigorous as specialized digital logbook tools. In addition, regulatory bodies in some jurisdictions may still require you to maintain a paper logbook alongside your Excel version.


In general, the trend is shifting towards digital logbook solutions due to their convenience, features, and compliance capabilities. However, it is essential to maintain a personal, independent logbook that is not tied to your professional affiliations or the tools they use. Regardless of the method you choose, always keep an eye on regulatory compliance requirements for your logbook.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the essential guidelines for maintaining an accurate pilot logbook?

Accurate maintenance of your pilot logbook involves careful attention to details such as filling out mandatory fields like basic flight and aircraft info, correctly recording time differences, avoiding common errors, and adhering to legal requirements. Our comprehensive guide can provide you with more detailed information.

What are some common errors in pilot logbook entries?

Common errors include miscalculation of time differences, confusion between distinct time points, inaccurate calculation of page totals, transcription mistakes when carrying over data, misinterpretation of abbreviations and codes, and incorrect date and location entries.

When should a flight entry be made in the pilot logbook?

Entries should be made as soon as practicable after any flight undertaken. We recommend doing this before leaving the plane to ensure all necessary details are fresh in mind and recorded accurately.

What are the differences between paper, spreadsheet, and digital pilot logbooks?

Each format has its own set of advantages and challenges. Paper logbooks offer a tangible record but require manual entry and calculation. Spreadsheet-based logbooks, like Excel, facilitate easier calculations but may be prone to errors. Digital logbooks provide efficiency and automation, reducing the risk of errors, but require understanding of data storage methods.

How secure is my data in digital logbook tools?

Data security in digital logbook tools depends on the provider. Some store data locally on your device, while others use cloud-based storage. Always inquire about data storage methods when choosing a digital logbook tool to ensure your data privacy and recovery options.

Can I trust the validation offered by a digital logbook?

You have to make sure that the software provider of the digital logbook complies and validates all data possible.

Are digital logbook tools the best solution for recording pilot experiences?

While digital logbook tools offer convenience and automation, it's crucial to maintain a personal and independent record not tied to any specific software or institution. Despite the trend towards digital solutions, each pilot should choose the method that best fits their needs, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

What is's approach to creating an effective digital pilot logbook?

At, we focus on the high quality of data record and processing. We collaborate closely with authorities, organizations, and companies, and our digital pilot logbook is the first ever to be audited and officially certified. We also add the most rigorous data validation rules from any logbook provider.

What role does play in mitigating data inaccuracies and errors in pilot logbooks?'s digital logbook tool performs automatic calculations and has built-in data validation, significantly reducing the risk of inaccuracies and errors that could pose flight safety risks and create extra work during regulatory interactions.

How can's digital logbook tool assist in meeting legal requirements for pilot logbooks?'s digital logbook is audited and officially certified, ensuring that it meets the necessary legal requirements. It helps maintain accurate, auditable records that can aid in interactions with regulatory bodies.

How can I know if is the right solution for me?

If you're interested in exploring if is the right solution for you, we encourage you to take our short quiz. This can help identify your needs and demonstrate how our services might meet them.